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“小子们,我们本可以屈辱地活着,但我们宁愿光荣地死去。我们不愿辱没先人,也不愿给后人留下耻辱。辱没了先人,生命不再是生命。这种人,神不爱,人不亲,活在世上,死后下地狱,没有什么差异。这足以证明你们的父辈是勇敢的。记住我们的话,无论你的生活目的是什么,一定要让品德成为达到目的的前提,否则,一切拥有和追求都是无耻和邪恶。财富不会给懦夫带来荣耀,因为那是别人的财富,不属于他。壮美也不会给懦夫带来荣耀,因为壮美引人注目,惹眼的壮美反而彰显宿主的懦弱。离开正义与美德,知识就是诡计而非智慧。因此,在品德上你们不仅要超越我们,还要超越所有先辈,要把它当成压倒一切的终生目的。要知道,品德被你们超越是我们的幸福,而超越你们是我们的耻辱。认清这一点,学会以不辱没祖先为前提来安排人生,你们将是这场比赛的赢家,而我们可能会输掉。靠祖上的名声而不是自己的才干来获得荣誉,对于一个有自尊的人来说,没有什么比这更丢人的了。父母的荣耀是后辈起家的合法宝藏,但如果不创造自己的财富,又没赢得自己的荣誉,而是耗尽父辈的积累,不给后人留下分毫,那便是卑下与耻辱。照我们说的去做,天堂相聚,我们是朋友,要是不听话,丢尽祖宗颜面,没人搭理你们。这就是我们留给子孙的话。” https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1682/1682-h/1682-h.htm 'Sons, the event proves that your fathers were brave men; for we might have lived dishonourably, but have preferred to die honourably rather than bring you and your children into disgrace, and rather than dishonour our own fathers and forefathers; considering that life is not life to one who is a dishonour to his race, and that to such a one neither men nor Gods are friendly, either while he is on the earth or after death in the world below. Remember our words, then, and whatever is your aim let virtue be the condition of the attainment of your aim, and know that without this all possessions and pursuits are dishonourable and evil. For neither does wealth bring honour to the owner, if he be a coward; of such a one the wealth belongs to another, and not to himself. Nor does beauty and strength of body, when dwelling in a base and cowardly man, appear comely, but the reverse of comely, making the possessor more conspicuous, and manifesting forth his cowardice. And all knowledge, when separated from justice and virtue, is seen to be cunning and not wisdom; wherefore make this your first and last and constant and all-absorbing aim, to exceed, if possible, not only us but all your ancestors in virtue; and know that to excel you in virtue only brings us shame, but that to be excelled by you is a source of happiness to us. And we shall most likely be defeated, and you will most likely be victors in the contest, if you learn so to order your lives as not to abuse or waste the reputation of your ancestors, knowing that to a man who has any self-respect, nothing is more dishonourable than to be honoured, not for his own sake, but on account of the reputation of his ancestors. The honour of parents is a fair and noble treasure to their posterity, but to have the use of a treasure of wealth and honour, and to leave none to your successors, because you have neither money nor reputation of your own, is alike base and dishonourable. And if you follow our precepts you will be received by us as friends, when the hour of destiny brings you hither; but if you neglect our words and are disgraced in your lives, no one will welcome or receive you. This is the message which is to be delivered to our children. © 2012-2023 by Yuming Si. All Rights Reserved. Contact: info@holisticedu.us |